Join us

Become a member of our club

Great! You’re so right;) Now all you have to do is sign up.

Below you will find all the information to become a member of the Flying Rabbits Ultimate Club, for both the junior and adult teams.


The Adult registration are OPEN!
Complete this form to join our club

Meeting great people and making new friends is what our sport is all about.

We would love to be able to accept new players all year long, but the family is getting bigger and bigger, and without any structure, who knows what would happen with so many Rabbits. The only thing we know, is that we want to stay and feel like we’re a big happy family.

So we decided to open registrations once per year only in September, and to have a limited number of Rabbits in the club.
The season starts in October and doesn’t stop during summer.

If waiting is too hard, why not join another club?
Or even better, you could simply do like us, and create a new club! 🙂
We would gladly help you with that, so feel free to contact us on that matter!

Deadline to register: /
 After that date, contact us by email at


Age requis : entre 10 et 16 ans

Contactez-nous via

Malheureusement cette annĂ©e, 2023-24, nous n’aurons pas d’Ă©quipe junior dĂ» Ă  un manque de bĂ©nĂ©vole pour les encadrer.

Age requirement: between 10 and 16 years old

Contact us via

Unfortunately this year, 2023-24, we won’t have a junior team due to a lack of volunteers to coach them.